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A group of CIS staff poses with a box containing the Indigo System Lightning 7 Aspiration System

July 6, 2023

CIS Is First in the Area to Use the Lightning Bolt™ 7 System to Remove Blood Clots in the Legs

Dr. Craig Walker delivering a speech at a lectern

June 15, 2023

New Cardiovascular Horizons Conference Brings More than 1320 to New Orleans

A small group of CIS staff poses with a box containing the Radianz Smart Stent

February 10, 2023

CIS is First in Baton Rouge to Use SMART Radianz Stent to Treat Peripheral Artery Disease

A group of CIS staff members in scrubs poses with a box containing the Shockwave lithotripsy balloon

March 9, 2021

CIS is First in Zachary to Use Sonic Pressure Waves to Treat Blockages in the Legs

A group of CIS staff members pose with boxes containing components for the Diamondback 360® Extended Length Peripheral Orbital Atherectomy Device (OAD) after preforming a successful PAD treatment through the wrist

December 17, 2020

CIS is First in Jennings to Treat Peripheral Artery Disease Through the Wrist

A vibrant graphic with a gradient background ranging from dark blue to pink, featuring bold text that reads "stand up to PAD," with an upward-pointing yellow arrow integrated into the letter "p.

August 31, 2020

September is PAD Awareness Month: Early Detection Saves Limbs

A smiling group of CIS staff members poses with a box containing the Stellarex Drug-Coated Angioplasty Balloon

December 10, 2019

CIS is First in Louisiana to Use Longer Drug-Coated Balloons

A group of CIS staff members poses with boxes containing components of the  R2P™ MISAGO® RX self-expanding stent

November 12, 2019

CIS is First in Baton Rouge to Use MISAGO Stent for Peripheral Interventions

A diagram showing the components of The Corindus CorPath® GRX System in use with a doctor controlling the mechanism and a patient on a bed

November 6, 2019

CIS is First in Louisiana to Perform Robotic-Assisted Interventions

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